cosmetic acupuncture
cosmetic acupuncture is a healthy option for looking and feeling younger.
although cosmetic acupuncture is not well known or publicized in the united states, it has been used for centuries in china by emperors and by the wealthy elite. cosmetic acupuncture is a relatively non-invasive procedure that brings about some amazing results that are more than just skin deep, and it is the only cosmetic procedure that actually improves your overall health.
the method of cosmetic acupuncture practiced at bloom acupuncture is the mei zen cosmetic acupuncture system™. the mei zen technique is based in traditional chinese medicine and helps you to look and feel good from the inside out.
cosmetic acupuncture treatment begins with a free 30-minute face-to-face consultation, during which your individual needs are assessed and your treatment plan is developed.
the mei zen cosmetic acupuncture system™ series consists of ten treatments that are scheduled twice a week for five weeks. your initial cosmetic acupuncture treatment will last approximately 2 hours and subsequent treatments will last about 90 minutes.
in addition to the cosmetic acupuncture part of the treatment, at your appointments we will talk about your skin care routines and products, nutrition, and supplements that help you get and maintain the best results possible. i may also recommend chinese herbal formulas.
the theory on which acupuncture is based is called meridian (or channel) theory. meridian theory describes the flow of qi (vital energy or life energy) through the body. qi connects all the tissues and organs of the body—including the face and neck—circulating from one area of the body to another along certain pathways (called meridians or channels). for the body to function properly, qi must flow freely and in the correct strength and quality through each of the meridians. when the flow of qi is interrupted or unbalanced, illness and external signs of aging will occur.
The obvious benefits of cosmetic acupuncture include:
although the results of cosmetic acupuncture are not visually as dramatic as those following a surgical procedure, cosmetic acupuncture actually has a much more dramatic overall effect on your health. acupuncture is, by its nature, a holistic treatment—although cosmetic acupuncture treatment focuses primarily on improving how you look on the outside, it improves how you feel on the inside at the same time.
patients report a number of very healthy “side effects” that occur as a result of cosmetic acupuncture treatment.
In addition to the obvious visual changes, patients experience:
this means that cosmetic acupuncture patients leave not only looking younger but feeling younger and healthier!
from a western medical perspective, cosmetic acupuncture works because the needling causes micro-traumas in the skin to which the body can respond by increasing blood flow and the production of collagen and elastin for wound healing. the needling, which is done at the level of the dermis, may also stimulate neurotransmitter production.
from the traditional chinese medicine perspective, qi and blood are being brought to the face, qi is being lifted, and the body’s energetic systems are being put into balance (causing the wonderful side effects of the treatment to occur). cosmetic acupuncture is very low risk (particularly in comparison with surgical procedures) because the needling is so superficial.
please contact bloom acupuncture for more information or to schedule an appointment.